
The banana (and sugar and pineapple) state – a look at some major food crops in the Queensland tropics

Driving around tropical North Queensland, we have seen and walked in remarkable rainforest-clad mountains and viewed beautiful coastal scenery. However, one of the more enduring memories was the actual extent of banana, sugar cane and pineapple farms.

I was exposed to banana and sugar cane farming in my youth. When I lived in Maryborough (Queensland) in the early 1980s, sugar cane was a dominant enterprise.… Read more

Vertigo, carton shouts, and a one person tent – Cardwell over 30 years ago

We arrived in Cardwell at the end of August, and I was very much looking forward to seeing the town again. I have only been to Cardwell twice previously, and I have fond memories of both visits. We lived at the seaside village of Penguin when we were in Tasmania. It is unique in that most of its main street has one side fronting an undeveloped beach.… Read more

The 4 o’clock chorus

Our dream to travel around Australia in a caravan for a couple of years was curtailed somewhat by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. Instead, we managed to travel around Queensland when lockdown restrictions eased in June.

You meet some interesting characters and see varied setups when travelling full time. On the most part, people are amicable and happy to have a chat.… Read more

The Cooktown Crescendo

Cooktown represents the most northern point we have travelled in Australia thus far. Like others do when up this way, we could have continued our trip to the tip of Cape York. But for now, not for us. Maybe next time when we are better prepared.

Everywhere you look in Cooktown there is a reminder of Lieutenant Cook, the repairs to the Endeavour and the botanical and faunal collections of Banks and Solander.… Read more

The Far North Queensland way of life

If you have travelled through northern Queensland, you have probably visited Karumba, one of the few accessible spots on the Gulf coast. If you are keen on fishing, you most likely have been there. I don’t fish, and I wasn’t sure what to expect of Karumba that would interest me. I must admit, I did think that the locals would spot me out of the crowd.… Read more

The Bellara Mining Heritage Trail

I recommend a 4wd historical adventure drive located mid-way between Mt Isa and Cloncurry south of the Barkly Highway in the Argylla Ranges. You drive through Rosebud Station and a pretty good quality dirt road. The cast of Crocodile Dundee used the road during filming.

Three ghost towns sprang to life in this area just before World War I and disappeared not long after.… Read more

The marvels of Minerva National Park – a geological wonderland

On our way from the Cania Gorge up to Emerald in Central Queensland, we stopped for a few nights in a small settlement called Springsure, just north of Carnarvon Gorge National Park. The name of the town comes from a local property that was named for its reliable, permanent spring.

When I had to drive from Dalby to Emerald for work, I would go through Springsure, and I was impressed with the spectacular jagged peaks that provided a scenic backdrop to the small town.… Read more

Our friends at Hervey Bay


While staying in Hervey for ten weeks during the COVID19 travel restrictions, the two of us would sit outside under our awning during late afternoon, near dusk, enjoying our happy hour drink. Most times we were entertained by a pair of brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii) darting about at twilight after waking up from their slumber.… Read more

Travelling full-time during a pandemic

As most of you would know, we eventually started our dream to travel full-time around Australia on 12 February this year. We had planned this trip for many years and saved hard to fund it. We retired from our jobs and managed to sell our house in Dalby on the Darling Downs in Queensland.… Read more