50 years since a dream became a reality
The idea
Nestled deep in the Gradys Creek Valley on the southern side of the McPherson Range, which separates New South Wales from Queensland, lie several properties, a small school and a community hall. There is no communal area or village, but it is known as The Risk. The name came from the first settler who decided to take a risk to ride over the mountain. … Read more
The truth behind the rainforest battles in NSW (part 3) – science means nothing in politics
“The greens are like goldfish. No matter how much you feed them, they always want more.”
The Terania Creek forest blockade
Interest in Whian Whian and Goonimbar State Forests by locals was first raised in a letter in July 1974 to the Forestry Commission of New South Wales (FCNSW) about their plans to log at the head of Terania Creek.… Read more
The truth behind the rainforest battles in NSW (part 2) – a growing awareness of rainforests
Earlier this month, I outlined a historical account of the utilisation of rainforest timbers in New South Wales (NSW) and the challenges foresters faced to ensure the cut was sustainable. Rainforest timbers were in high demand for various purposes, such as fine furniture and cabinet work crafted from red cedar and rosewood or boats planked and decked with white beech, decorative veneer, furniture, sports gear, craft use and specialist military purposes. … Read more
The truth behind the rainforest battles in NSW (part 1) – the historical background
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it” ― Winston S. Churchill
One of the great joys I have experienced during my working career and travels around Australia has been the opportunity to walk through rainforests. There is no better feeling. While protected from the heat of the day, or from bitterly cold winds, the chance to walk beneath the towering trees under a closed canopy of large shady leaves allows the opportunity to listen to the cacophonous bird songs.… Read more